How Do Nurses Feel After Working a Long Hard Shift?

I feel like I just broke a world record for staying on my feet for the longest time in a day.
I feel like Dansko got revenge on me and filled my shoes with cement.
I feel like I just did yoga in an automatic car wash between the scrubbing spinny brushes.
I feel like I spent 12 hours on a medieval rack with a scorned lover at the cranks.
I feel like I roller skated for the first time in 15 years with teens listening to blaring Celine Dion.
I feel like I did the first 3 days of P90X at once.
I feel like a crazed Italian dragged my legs through a noodle maker.
I feel like I just had to push 10 syringes of D50 in a row.
I feel like my entire team was made up of gremlins on amphetamines.

Thank You for Walking Through Poo

Thank you nurses for all that you do
Even for walking through piles of poo.
Its not easy being a nurse right now
It’s not like each day you take a bow.
No one is cheering or singing your praises
Or as you leave shouting thankful phrases.
It’s the selfless work you do for patients
That makes us hold you in such high station.
Thank you! Thank you! We all say!
We hope you have a wonderful day!

Nurse Will Work for Bacon

Tired nurse will work for bacon:

Walking and walking, oh my feet hurt
I feel I’ve aged 20 years and live in a yurt.
It’s always so painful to be on my feet
For 14 hours and never have a seat.
At least the shifts almost over
And I can rest my dogs, one I even named Rover.
So I lift ’em up, relax and recline
Perhaps next thing I’ll do is eat greasy strips of swine.

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